Indoor season starts again!

The club will resume indoor shooting at its second home – Nursteed primary school. We shoot every Friday evening from 6:00 pm, starting on the 13th October.

We will be suspending the Weds evening club shoots once the clocks go back at the end of October.

For those of you that don’t know the school, its address is:

Nursteed Community Primary School
Brickley Lane

SN10 3BF

POLITE NOTICE- if you are coming to shoot then the club expects you to either help with the set up, or the packing down or both. Its quite a bit of work so the more that help, the easier and quicker it becomes.

We have been asked to ensure the school is secure during our sessions- we will therefore be closing the inner security door once everyone has arrived shortly after 6pm. If you arrive late then you will need to wait to be let in.

For those of you unfamiliar with shooting indoors, we will be shooting at a distance of 20 yards (18 metres) in ends of 3 arrows (not 6 like we do outdoors). The most common indoor rounds to shoot are a Portsmouth (60 arrows @ 60cm target) or a WA18 (60 arrows @ 40cm target). Indoor classifications and handicaps are separate to your outdoor classifications and handicaps, so you will need to put in a few scores if you are tracking your performance in this way.

We have space for 6 target bosses in the hall and can fit 12 archers in for each end; if we have more than 12 turn up for a session then we will run 2 duties so that everyone gets to shoot. More will be explained on the evening!