A well deserved pat on the back for the few members who helped organise and run yet another successful Lions event for local school children over the weekend of the 2nd April.Holding the event outside again this year was a risk but although the mornings were chilly we all managed to stay dry!
We were able to provide basic archery tuition to over 40 local school children and I’m glad to say that there were several amongst them that were returners from last year….so clearly we had made an impression.
This is an event that Devizes Bowmen has run now for many years and always seems to be a winner with a good take up of places. In fact all three sessions were fully booked.
The ever popular balloon popping finale provided additional excitement with more than a few children wanting their 2 hour session to continue beyond the final whistle, as there were balloons left unscathed.
Well done to all involved ?