Great shoot on a lovely summer morning with a good number of club members taking part, including a good few of our newest members. We shot a variety of ‘National’ […]
Great shoot on a lovely summer morning with a good number of club members taking part, including a good few of our newest members. We shot a variety of ‘National’ […]
“Field of Dreams, build it and they will come…..” If you are around early enough you may get to enjoy this, dew on the grass, mist swirling around. con trails […]
Want something to do on those days when archery isn’t possible, on showery summer days or on dark winters evenings. Then what would be better use of that time but […]
We plan to start shooting again at green lane very soon. It will not be club shooting as you remember it as we need to meet both the Government and […]
This year on 31st May Devizes Bowmen are hosting the 49th Annual UK Record Status Rose Award Top Ten tournament at the Green Lane playing fields in Devizes. We will […]
Check out the photos from the Top Ten tournament on the gallery page here. If you have any photo’s please send them along.
The combination for the padlock on the containers has been changed. Its now 1800. Obviously you need a key also.